Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Mailbox Memories

My IWU campus mailbox, #825, will for the next two years be a reminder that God answers prayers.

Around three weeks ago, my mailbox began to act up. It was being rebellious. It took forever to unlock, since the lock seemed jammed, or dirty, or whatever. It was very jerky to open. About a week after this began to happen, I came to my mailbox with the currently expected frustration. However this time, instead of fretting, I prayed that the Lord would help me open my mailbox. I tried, but it was still jammed. I tried again to no avail. Then I sanctified it with the sign of the cross, but it was still jammed. I thought, "Patience is a virtue, and God does not work on our schedules" (I know, it sounds cheesy, but that's what I thought). After waiting about 5 more seconds it opened as smoothly as ever, and I rejoiced.

Just to be sure that it was no fluke, though, after closing it I tried opening it again, and sure enough, it opened without resistance! God had healed my mailbox!

And so, as I said before, my mailbox will forever (until I graduate from IWU) be a reminder to me that God cares about all of my cares, even the smallest of them, and according to his will he promises to answer our cries for help.

Blessed be God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages! Amen.

1 comment:

MiKemple said...

It has been since March since your last post, must be very busy there in Marion? I am sorry for my slow response, but I talked to Timmy U. today and we both commented that we missed you and wondered how you were doing? Let's talk in the next few days. mike