Monday, September 03, 2007

I'm at School

Well, friends, I am at school. I still have to completely unpack my boxed belongings, and get my class schedule adjusted, but I am here.

I have already felt better for the past two days than I did for the past three months. So that's an improvement.

I still haven't gotten in touch with all of my friends, but hope to do so by the end of this week.

If I have time this semester in addition to homework, I hope to (perhaps) write on this page about the following subjects:

- Worldviews, the stories we live in to understand our world. I want to reflect on what basic stories I've been told growing up about the world, and how these stories conflict with one another, and how the story I want to believe now conflicts with these.

- I want to write "A Narrative Christian Theology for Everyone." I realize that "for everyone" is a utopian modifier to my title, but I would like to try to write Christian theology that I would want my friends to read, believers and non-believers alike. While I would hope that this would be appropriate for my elders as well, I am unsure as to whether it would be understandable for children. [Maybe Burke and I need to write Childrens' books of narrative Christian theology!]

- On occasion I will try to include my favorite: "Life stories and observations" or "other tales which demand less thought" in addition to my "meditations."

Much love to you all. Peace be with you.

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