My blog can be what I want it to be. After all, I am an American, and more specifically, a United States Citizen, which definitely brings its privileges (by the way, I just learned how to spell that word today [privilege]; for the longest time I wasn't sure if it was 'i' or 'e' before the 'l'), such as the freedom of speech, whose value I do not often enough appreciate.
Who will read this? Don't those close to me talk to me enough? Why would they find cause to look me up online for the purpose of uncovering more of my boring self? Will I disclose my boring self on this weblog? I do not know. But this I do: that I will enjoy this more if I do not limit myself to a certain style or topic. After all, "everything is permissible."
But not all things are beneficial, so I will refrain from mentioning the unhelpful, which, as far as I can tell, cannot currently be discerned. For if writing just about anything on this website proves to be beneficial at the very least to my writing skills, then has it been (you should read that word with a long 'e' like the Brits, just for fun) helpful to someone--and since this is America--that is, to myself.