Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Driving in Cars with Jesus

Am I the only American who notices this strange phenomenon? . . .

When "I" see "you" on the street, or at the market, or at work, I know you are my neighbor, and will do my best to love you as myself.

But as soon as you and I get in our cars, shielded from God's creation and from each other by glass, plastic and other metals, I will turn you into my enemy. It's everyone for themselves on the road, and human beings become "this guy" or "this lady" or other irreverent names we may call each other. My neighbor in the car ahead of, beside or behind me becomes an individual who must be selfish, has only one thing on their mind (getting to their destination), and must surely hate me. You don't have to do anything to prove this to me, innate reason tells me this.

Is anyone else besides me tempted to view our neighbors on the road as our certain enemies? I surely am. I don't know why. Does it have to do with the way I was raised? Has rugged individualism carried us so far that we truly do not care for our fellow citizens - to the extent that we presume them to be our enemies? Please share your thoughts by commenting.

Never mind that Jesus told us to love our enemies. I (or maybe we?) have done worse by creating my own, to say nothing of those truly against me. The next time you are on the road, please remember with me that the person with whom you share the road is your neighbor, and not your enemy, whom we must love as much as ourselves.

Peace be unto all.

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