Friday, November 11, 2005

Like Children

Today I did some catching up with my good friend Bob Stewart from Kalamazoo, and after our conversation I read his blog.  I came across this journal entry, and I liked it so much that I asked him if I could post it here.  With his permission, here it is:

So, today I was riding the bus home from school, and I saw this little kid he was just kind of dancing around while his dad was taking out the garbage. Looking at the kid I thought wouldn’t be neat if we were all like children. Just free to dance around as we pleased, and then I looked and the kid had picked up a rock and thrown it at a moving car, and i thought to myself, wow maybe we are like children after all.


Anonymous said...

wow that bob sounds like a thinker, although i don't know poetic it is.

Josh H said...

Hey Bob... Josh Howard here. How you doing man?!? You mind posting (or Scott) your blog address here? I'd like to re-connect you you as well.

Scott... thanks for the email... I will respond sometime over the weekend.

Peace out. -Josh

Anonymous said...
hear it is.