As you may know little about my college career and its composite ‘players,’ if you will, I thought it good to give you a brief introduction, as I will probably be mentioning several of them in my future posts.
The college: When I started high school I already knew what college I wanted to attend—Indiana Wesleyan University. It is located in Marion, IN. It is halfway between Fort Wayne and Indianapolis. There are about 2,500 students on campus, and over 10,000 enrolled, including Adult Professional Studies and Graduate Programs. So, the campus is small (which is really nice), but they also have several extension campuses nationwide. They are an accredited liberal arts university, offering over 60 majors.
The majors: I am majoring in Christian Ministries and Biblical Literature. Yes, this means I have two majors. Christian Ministries is the major for those studying to be pastors (that’s me) or full-time Christian workers. Biblical Literature is a good double-major for anyone in any field, but it is also a good launch pad for those anticipating Seminary or Graduate work. Yes, I do plan to graduate in four years. With the help of a few AP credits from high school and taking a few classes at community college this summer, I will be able to graduate with many more credits than required.
The schedule: This fall I am taking 16 credit hours (which is the maximum allowed before you have to make special application and pay too much). I am taking Worship (with an accompanying practicum), Concepts of Health and Wellness, Humanities World Literature, Inductive Bible Study, Beginning Hebrew I, and Intermediate Latin I.
The profs: Last year I had Dr. Constance Cherry for Intro. to Pastoral Ministries. This was a good class, as it required a lot of writing. This semester I have her for worship, and I have high hopes for class times well spent.
This year our Division of Religion and Philosophy hired at least two new faculty members, Brian and Elaine Bernius. I think one of them has a Ph.D., and the other is finishing his or her dissertation. This fall I have Professor Brian Bernius for Inductive Bible Study, and his wife Elaine for Hebrew. I am very excited to have both of them their first semester (as long as they do a good job), so I can be one of the few to get first impressions and learn what they are like.
Last year I had Dr. Ken Schenck for New Testament Survey and Latin. For starters, he is the author of the textbook that all the professors use for NT survey, so that factum already gained him my respect. After having him for about two weeks, I decided that so far he was my favorite professor. He writes quite often, and has published about three or four books. He is quite a witty guy; although his jokes are awfully corny, his timing is so unexpected and wonderful that I can’t help but laugh. Halfway through last spring’s semester, one of my friends informed me that by all appearances I had a man-crush on Dr. Schenck.
Dr. Clarence ‘Bud’ Bence is a Professor of Religion, and is one of my two academic advisors. Right now he’s teaching mainly Church History and Homiletics (preaching) classes.
My other academic advisor is Dr. Wilbur Glenn Williams. He is the real ‘dinosaur’ of IWU’s religion dept. I’m not sure how long he’s been there, but he is seventy-six years young and still teaching. He and his wife Ardelia, a professor emerita in the Art Dept., have worked for only a penny for several years, and have been donating their salaries to the school, providing the funds for different projects on campus, the most noticeable of which is the Williams Prayer Chapel. I had him for Old Testament Survey last year. He teaches three O.T. classes holding seventy students each every semester.
Dr. Stephen Lennox has been Chair of the Religion Dept. for several years, but this year he is stepping into a position entirely new to the university, Dean of Chapel. Whenever he speaks in chapel, I immediately get excited.
Dr. Chris Bounds is an Assistant Professor of Religion, and mainly teaches theology. I am very excited about having him for two to six theology courses during undergrad.
I forgot to mention that both Dr. Schenck and Dr. Bounds teach online courses for Asbury Seminary each semester. I think they’re really cool guys.
The People: Dusty Fecht is one of my friends, and I hope that within a few years I will be able to say that he is one of my best friends. I like him that much. He moved from Iowa City a few years ago. I’m pretty sure that he has enough credits for a psychology major, and he is currently a Religion/Philosophy major. He is also contemplating a Bib. Lit. major. He’s a really cool guy to talk to. His girlfriend’s name is Natalie, who just moved to Marion after being admitted into IWU’s Graduate Counseling Program.
Josh Obholz will be my roommate this year. He is a really fun guy who is taking a lot of science classes, but I’m not sure that he’s nailed down a major yet.
Jacob Hogan is another friend of mine. He is a Political Science/International Relations
major. He is a democrat, and has already made me more liberal. The good news is that I am still a registered republican, and I am still pro-life. The only difference is that I no longer worry about defending our president. He had the initiative along with a couple of other good guys to start a campus democrats student organization. Last year when he told people he was going to vote for Sen. John Kerry, more than one person on campus told him he was going to hell.
Logan Moser is my RA this year. I am living on the 2 North wing of Hodson Hall, where I will be the co-chaplain along with senior Brandon Willis.
My sister Sharon is coming along with me to college. She is studying Intercultural Studies and Christian education. We are both really excited about being on campus together. We have planned to have breakfast together on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
Rev. Chuck McCallum is the Senior Pastor of Westview Wesleyan Church, which is the church I go to in Marion, and I did my Intro. to Pastoral Ministries observation practicum with him my first semester last year. Pastor Mark is the pastor of Christian Education at Westview, and he is also in charge of worship, so I anticipate having a practicum with him this next semester.
I hope that now you are better acquainted with my college circumstance, and will have a bit of background when I write about such things.
The college: When I started high school I already knew what college I wanted to attend—Indiana Wesleyan University. It is located in Marion, IN. It is halfway between Fort Wayne and Indianapolis. There are about 2,500 students on campus, and over 10,000 enrolled, including Adult Professional Studies and Graduate Programs. So, the campus is small (which is really nice), but they also have several extension campuses nationwide. They are an accredited liberal arts university, offering over 60 majors.
The majors: I am majoring in Christian Ministries and Biblical Literature. Yes, this means I have two majors. Christian Ministries is the major for those studying to be pastors (that’s me) or full-time Christian workers. Biblical Literature is a good double-major for anyone in any field, but it is also a good launch pad for those anticipating Seminary or Graduate work. Yes, I do plan to graduate in four years. With the help of a few AP credits from high school and taking a few classes at community college this summer, I will be able to graduate with many more credits than required.
The schedule: This fall I am taking 16 credit hours (which is the maximum allowed before you have to make special application and pay too much). I am taking Worship (with an accompanying practicum), Concepts of Health and Wellness, Humanities World Literature, Inductive Bible Study, Beginning Hebrew I, and Intermediate Latin I.
The profs: Last year I had Dr. Constance Cherry for Intro. to Pastoral Ministries. This was a good class, as it required a lot of writing. This semester I have her for worship, and I have high hopes for class times well spent.
This year our Division of Religion and Philosophy hired at least two new faculty members, Brian and Elaine Bernius. I think one of them has a Ph.D., and the other is finishing his or her dissertation. This fall I have Professor Brian Bernius for Inductive Bible Study, and his wife Elaine for Hebrew. I am very excited to have both of them their first semester (as long as they do a good job), so I can be one of the few to get first impressions and learn what they are like.
Last year I had Dr. Ken Schenck for New Testament Survey and Latin. For starters, he is the author of the textbook that all the professors use for NT survey, so that factum already gained him my respect. After having him for about two weeks, I decided that so far he was my favorite professor. He writes quite often, and has published about three or four books. He is quite a witty guy; although his jokes are awfully corny, his timing is so unexpected and wonderful that I can’t help but laugh. Halfway through last spring’s semester, one of my friends informed me that by all appearances I had a man-crush on Dr. Schenck.
Dr. Clarence ‘Bud’ Bence is a Professor of Religion, and is one of my two academic advisors. Right now he’s teaching mainly Church History and Homiletics (preaching) classes.
My other academic advisor is Dr. Wilbur Glenn Williams. He is the real ‘dinosaur’ of IWU’s religion dept. I’m not sure how long he’s been there, but he is seventy-six years young and still teaching. He and his wife Ardelia, a professor emerita in the Art Dept., have worked for only a penny for several years, and have been donating their salaries to the school, providing the funds for different projects on campus, the most noticeable of which is the Williams Prayer Chapel. I had him for Old Testament Survey last year. He teaches three O.T. classes holding seventy students each every semester.
Dr. Stephen Lennox has been Chair of the Religion Dept. for several years, but this year he is stepping into a position entirely new to the university, Dean of Chapel. Whenever he speaks in chapel, I immediately get excited.
Dr. Chris Bounds is an Assistant Professor of Religion, and mainly teaches theology. I am very excited about having him for two to six theology courses during undergrad.
I forgot to mention that both Dr. Schenck and Dr. Bounds teach online courses for Asbury Seminary each semester. I think they’re really cool guys.
The People: Dusty Fecht is one of my friends, and I hope that within a few years I will be able to say that he is one of my best friends. I like him that much. He moved from Iowa City a few years ago. I’m pretty sure that he has enough credits for a psychology major, and he is currently a Religion/Philosophy major. He is also contemplating a Bib. Lit. major. He’s a really cool guy to talk to. His girlfriend’s name is Natalie, who just moved to Marion after being admitted into IWU’s Graduate Counseling Program.
Josh Obholz will be my roommate this year. He is a really fun guy who is taking a lot of science classes, but I’m not sure that he’s nailed down a major yet.
Jacob Hogan is another friend of mine. He is a Political Science/International Relations
major. He is a democrat, and has already made me more liberal. The good news is that I am still a registered republican, and I am still pro-life. The only difference is that I no longer worry about defending our president. He had the initiative along with a couple of other good guys to start a campus democrats student organization. Last year when he told people he was going to vote for Sen. John Kerry, more than one person on campus told him he was going to hell.
Logan Moser is my RA this year. I am living on the 2 North wing of Hodson Hall, where I will be the co-chaplain along with senior Brandon Willis.
My sister Sharon is coming along with me to college. She is studying Intercultural Studies and Christian education. We are both really excited about being on campus together. We have planned to have breakfast together on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
Rev. Chuck McCallum is the Senior Pastor of Westview Wesleyan Church, which is the church I go to in Marion, and I did my Intro. to Pastoral Ministries observation practicum with him my first semester last year. Pastor Mark is the pastor of Christian Education at Westview, and he is also in charge of worship, so I anticipate having a practicum with him this next semester.
I hope that now you are better acquainted with my college circumstance, and will have a bit of background when I write about such things.
Welcome to the blogosphere! It is in general a vast void with pockets of us hanging on to a few asteriods floating here and there. Sometimes we yell at each other when they pass. Otherwise, looking forward to the new adventures of the year!
P.S. This is Dr. Schenck, but I thought I'd post it anonymously so nobody would know... Also, I think someone in webland has latched onto my web-ity. I've noticed that when I've posted lately as myself, about three other posts pop up from people selling viagra and other interesting products.
P.S.S. I like the title.
Thanks. Your note is encouraging. If Dr. Bounds has rhythm, then you've got the 'call and response' jazz style down.
Man, you are great at details! Have a good one!
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